The University of Arizona is dedicated to the advancement of Native faculty and students and the respectful and ethical engagement with Native nations. Below are a few of the many exciting projects and initiatives happening across campus to advance our goals.

UArizona Tribal Consultation Policy
Adopted in September 2023, this policy applies to the university community when engaging in research or activities that have a foreseeable impact on sovereign Native Nations and/or their members.

Increase Native American Awareness Among UArizona Senior Leadership
An ongoing initiative of NAATE is to increase the awareness of Native American presence, initiatives, and contributions among senior leadership at the University.

A New Home on Campus
We are in the planning and development phase of a new Native-designed physical space and cultural home on campus for the University's Native students, staff, and faculty, and Tribal communities.

Unity Plaza
This initiative aims to construct a plaza on campus celebrating the diverse cultural heritage of Arizona's Tribal Nations; tribal sovereignty; and contributions of Tribal Nations to Arizona and the university.

Native Languages of Arizona Campus Sign Initiative
A collaboration of the University’s Linguistics Department and the Office of NAATE, the initiative is part of our broader efforts to make the University a welcoming and inclusive place for Native American students, faculty, staff, and visitors.

Native FORGE
Funded by a five-year, matching grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration, Native FORGE establishes a new University Center to support economic growth in tribal communities in Arizona.

Native Peoples Design Coalition
The Native Peoples Design Coalition, housed under the Drachman Institute in the College of Architecture, Planning, and Landscape Architecture, forms a collective vision to plan and design the built environment in ways that support Native American and Indigenous sovereignty.