Native American Student Clubs at UArizona


Native American Student Clubs at UArizona

Alpha Pi Omega Sorority, Inc, Zeta Chapter

The mission of Alpha Pi Omega Sorority, Inc. is to create a strong sisterhood that will serve as a support for college women in today's society. The sisterhood shall support its members in their individual journeys towards a balanced life. The Alpha Pi Omega woman will always strive for greater scholarship, honesty, leadership, service, and personal integrity. The Sorority will work to preserve our Native American traditions, for through celebration and practice of our cultural and spiritual heritage, we become one with each other.

Website Facebook

American Indian Alumni Club (AIA)

AIA supports American Indian students at UArizona through mentoring, community service and the provision of scholarship opportunities.


American Indian & Indigenous Health Alliance Club (AIIHA)

AIIHA seeks to foster the educational and professional experience of Indigenous students through diverse avenues of support, and thus increase the representation of Indigenous students in public health disciplines.


American Indigenous Business Leaders

The mission of AIBL is to increase the representation of American Indians and Alaska Natives in business and entrepreneurial ventures through education and leadership development opportunities.


American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)

The American Indian Science and Engineering Society is a national nonprofit organization focused on substantially increasing the representation of Indigenous peoples in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) studies and careers.

Website Facebook Instagram

Indigicat Student Association (ISA)

ISA promotes the value of education, fosters leadership, serves recreational and social needs, and promotes and preserves the cultural heritage of all Native American students at UArizona.


Miss Native American University of Arizona

Miss Native American UA & her court serve as ambassadors for the Native American population at the University of Arizona. 

Facebook Instagram

Native Indigenous Law Student Association (NILSA)

NILSA provides academic support for Native American Law Students, aims to integrate Indian law and policy throughout the law school curriculum, and networks with other NILSA chapters and practicing attorneys throughout Indian Country.

Website  Facebook Instagram

Native Nations in Christ

The mission of Native Nations in Christ is to promote the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and provide fellowship opportunities for students from every nation, tribe, people, and tongue.


Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)

SACNAS places special emphasis on the needs of developing scientists, both undergraduate and graduate, who represent the next generation of leaders, researchers, and educators.


The Indigenous Society of Architecture, Planning, and Design (ISAPD)

The Indigenous Society of Architecture, Planning and Design (ISAPD) is an organization focused on increasing international knowledge, consciousness, and appreciation of Indigenous architecture, planning, and design, inclusive of landscape architecture and environmental design, in academia and the professional realm. ISAPD works toward fundamentally supporting and increasing the representation of American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, First Nations, Aboriginal Australians, Māori, and other Indigenous Scholars and Peoples in these fields.

website Instagram

The Tohono O'odham Student Association (TOSA)

TOSA supports Tohono O’odham students by providing a place for them to meet other UArizona Native students, conducting community outreach, and increasing the recruitment, retention, and graduation of Tohono O'odham students.



As a collective voice of Indigenous peoples at the University of Arizona, the purpose of VOICE is to share the narratives and lived experiences of Indigenous people on campus in an effort to create change.
