Research Training & Resources
Tribal Consultation and UA Research/Engagement with Native Communities
Thursday March 27 @ 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Thomas W. Keating Bioresearch Building, Room 103 (1657 E. Helen St.)
Human Subjects Protection Program
The HSPP, as the administrative and regulatory support program to the Institutional Review Boards (IRBs), works in collaboration with the research community to maintain an ethical and compliant research program. An IRB must review all research and related activities involving human subjects conducted at the University of Arizona or when the University is a responsible participant.
Responsible Conduct of Research Program
The Responsible Conduct of Research Program provides training and workshops that fulfill federal training requirements set forth by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA).
Sponsored Projects & the Office of Research Contracts (SPS and ORC)
SPS and ORC, units of Research, Innovation & Impact (RII), assist the University of Arizona research community in its efforts to secure external funding by providing high quality administrative, contracting and financial services to ensure proper stewardship of those funds and to minimize the risk to university resources.
Overview of Research and Engagement with Native American Tribes
The Native Peoples Technical Assistance Office has created a document which provides an overview of research and engagement with Native Nations, including the ABOR 1-118 Consultation Policy and UArizona Guidelines.
Indigenous Governance Database
The Native Nations Institute maintains an Indigenous Governance Database, a growing resource collection of video, audio, and written materials relevant to tribal leadership, other tribal professionals, scholars, students, and policymakers searching for resources about nation building, sovereignty, governance, leadership, and sustainable economic and community development in Indigenous country.
Federally Recognized Tribes
As of January 2024, there are 574 Federally Recognized Tribes in the United States.
Video: Training Session on Tribal Consultation (2020)
As a member of the Partnership for Native American Cancer Prevention Outreach Core, Dr. Francine Gachupin (Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Arizona) has developed some helpful guidelines and first steps for researchers seeking to work with Native American communities.
Blood Journey
Please watch the video Blood Journey produced by the New York Times in 2010, reflecting on the research injustice experienced by the Havasupai Tribe of Arizona.
National Congress of American Indians
The National Congress of American Indians provides numerous resources including publications, videos, and policy briefs.
Indigenous Data Sovereignty
Published in 2023, this article by Garba et al. includes recommendations for Indigenous Peoples, individual researchers, and research institutions to align governance and stewardship practices with Indigenous research and data sovereignty.
Tribal Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)
See Indian Health Service Institutional Review Boards for a comprehensive list of all Indian Health Service IRBs by area, including Independent Tribal IRBs.
UArizona Guidelines for Research and Engagement
As a Research I Land Grant Institution, the University of Arizona has developed its own consultation guidelines, adopted in 2018 by the Senior Vice President for Research. It is the responsibility of the University of Arizona faculty, student, or professional to determine and abide by the Native Nation's required procedures or protocol for review, approval, and regulation of research or institutional engagement, and to abide by the University of Arizona Consultation Guidelines. To find out if consultation and evidence of consultation is required for your work, see the University of Arizona Consultation Guidelines below.