Native FORGE
2022 Cohort: San Carlos Apache Tribe

The traditional lands of the Apache Ndeh (The People) extended from Texas through New Mexico and Arizona into Mexico and California. Over time, the many bands of Apache were forcibly relocated to reservations. The San Carlos Apache Reservation was established in 1871. According to the U.S. Census, approximately 10,815 individuals live on the San Carlos Apache Reservation--1.8 million acres spanning three counties in eastern Arizona.
San Carlos Apache is known for its peridot jewelry and Apache basketry. Peridot is the birthstone for August and San Carlos is home to the world's largest deposit of the crystal.
The Tribe operates Apache Gold Casino, a golf course, a commercial sawmill, a 500-acre farm, and cattle ranching operations. Information provided via Web Portal Developed by the Offices of NAATE, NAI & NPTAO.
For the 2022 Cohort, the program worked in partnership with San Carlos Apache Tribe
We are looking forward to small business growth, and for them to get the knowledge base of how to run a business, how to select a structure, how to properly execute a business plan, how to utilize local resources and use them to their advantage, to have the knowledge to become better business owners.
In small business, the first five years are really crucial. ... Us being in a rural area, it is even tougher.
- Kodee Goseyun, San Carlos Apache Tribe Economic Development specialist
Davison “Beejay” Ward Jr.
Sewn by Beejay
Custom handcrafted quilts uniquely designed and made with his traditional and artistic touch. Beejay's goal is to promote his products in the open market and secure enough funding to get local community members involved in his business to meet the demand.
To contribute to the program, please contact Aleshia Howell at