Hopi Tribe Legislative Council

Executive Leadership*

Timothy L. Nuvangyaoma, Chairman

Craig Andrewa, Vice Chairman

Judith Youvella, Tribal Secretary

Nada Talayumptewa, Treasurer

Alfonso Sakeva, Sergeant-at-Arms 

Council Members

Village of Upper Moenkopi William Charley
  Michael Elmer
  Danny Humetewa, Sr.
  Leroy Sumatzkuku
Village of Bakabi Marilyn Fredericks
  Velma Kalyesvah
  Clifford Qotsaquahu
Village of Kyakotsmovi Danny Honanie
  Herman G. Honanie
  Phillip Quochytewa, Sr.
  David Talayumptewa
Village of Mishongnovi Mervin Yoyetewa
Village of Sipaulovi Anita Bahnimptewa
  Rosa Honani
  Raymond Namoki
First Mesa Consolidated Villages Albert T. Sinquah
  Dale Sinquah
  Wallace Youvella, Jr.
  Ivan L. Sidney

*As of June 2024, https://www.hopi-nsn.gov/tribal-government/